Fully digitised ticketing with our ticket app


Acting and responding, fast and adequately to any report, complaint or client question is essential for every business. The key to high-quality service is the mutual communication between the contributors. It has to be clear for everyone how many activities there are, which ones have- and have not been completed. Then this process needs to be communicated to the client.  

A Mobile Workforce application like this Ticket App ensures that these processes go more smoothly and faster while at the same time lowering your costs. This provides you with a significant advantage over your competitors who haven’t made the move to Mobile Working yet.


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Ticket App Cleaning Facility

Anytime access to your organisational data

Ticket App Cleaning Facility

High service quality control

Ticket App Cleaning Facility

Mobile ticketing



Ticket App Functionalities


Data retrieved directly from the workplace
All tickets collected in a central system
Add comments or photos to tickets
Flexible scheduling frequency
Automatic assignment of tasks to person
24/7 access to all tickets
Automated push-notifications


Calculate your price

facilityapp mockup



Want to know more about
the ticketing app?


 Plan a short ZOOM call and we’ll be happy to 
discuss your opportunities

Plan short ZOOM call