FacilityApps and Interclean organise Hackathon!


FacilityApps and Interclean are organising a Hackathon on Wednesday 11 May. Ten teams of five people will give free rein to their problem-solving skills on a daily problem in the cleaning industry. The goal of this Hackathon? As many fun and innovative ideas as possible that can bring renewal to the cleaning industry.


Visit the Interclean Hackathon



Ticket App schoonmaak software facility

Further digitalisation of cleaning processes

Ticket App schoonmaak software facility

More effective cleaning

Ticket App schoonmaak software facility

All data available in
one central app



Why a Hackathon at the Interclean?

The cleaning industry is a traditional one that still uses a lot of pen and paper. That is why we are trying out as many ways as possible to further digitalise the cleaning industry. Making working as a programmer in the cleaning industry attractive and sexy is also part of this. 

The ultimate goal of this Hackathon? To create added value for the cleaning sector and ultimately for our customers. FacilityApps thinks that software should be more central in the overall cleaning process. Because the cleaning industry is still such a traditional branch, we can learn a lot from other branches. What must be prevented is that multiple apps arise in which different data is displayed. For a cleaner, it is inconvenient to have to work in two different apps to register that a room has been cleaned. Displaying data from different channels in one central app. That is the main reason why FacilityApps is organising this Hackathon. Working more efficiently and easily as a cleaner thanks to software!


Visit the Interclean Hackathon